We had invited two young sister workers in my field (Anne M & Van)
to come for a meal, in order to explain to them what was happening
with us. It was hard for them to believe the complicated problem
caused by the workers. Anne was a very nice young sister worker from Canada. she had a very good relationship with F&W. She feared to involve into the overseer’s work. She emailed to me one time that “I’m just a young sister, a new one in VN, so I can’t help you with any advice, please talk to the brother (overseer) about your problem !...” Anne asked me if I had contacted through telephone miss E.M, the old Canadian sister worker to know what had happened from workers’ side (Previously, we had listened on Mrs. Mai’s side). Because we didn’t have E.M’s phone number, so Anne M took out her phone to contact miss E.M so that we could talk to her - My daughter had the conversation with miss E.M with the witness of us and workers(Ann M and her companion). My daughter asked miss E.M “How can you said to Mrs Mai that my parents pressed her to buy the house? While Mrs Mai didn’t have any debt from my parents. Miss Mai came to my parents house for visiting and wanted to by the house by her own will…” - With the surprising Miss E.M answer “ I didn’t know that she came to Saigon !...” (In her thought maybe we could have gone to Phu Quoc Island to persuate Mrs. Mai into buying our own house). - “Why did you give the advice to Mrs. Mai not buying our own house in Dalat?. With the Vietnamese law, who interferes into other business, cause the problem, we can bring them to court . - No, it was not me giving the advice, my young Vietnamese companion gave the advice to her, because she knew the Vietnamese law. - May I have a talk with your Vietnamese companion? - Sorry, she was go out… Thank you for calling… thank you for calling… thank you… At last Anne M asked me “Now, who are you believing?” My answer “the person who is worthy my trust ,didn’t make me trust her!. The workers in my field went home without any solution or help !... Mrs Mai asked me why these workers knew she had wanted to buy the house. I remembered the fact that Cường, the Vietnamese worker, Darrel’s companion also a right, helful arm of overseers !... That afternoon and evening, Mrs. Mai and I received many telephone calls and messages from Miss E.M…even when we had gone to sleep!...in order to justify…we were very disappointed about these workers, they didn’t go out to seek the lost sheep (like uncle Hoa), but tended to interfere into private, material things of others…made us doubt about them whether they were true workers of God. Many problems had happened before, but this one was the last straw that broke the camel’s back…and my husband had a stroke two days later. |
When my husband had a stroke, luckily that we brought him to the
hospital in time, he was paralysed in half left of his body. My son
had stopped working for a period of time for looking after his dad. Worried to the health of their father, the day after my daughter had given birth to a son, both of them had serious problem (Especially for the little child, nearly to die... He had been in the emergency room for weeks). I had been beside her to encourage !... One month later my son had problem in his health too, because he had work oveloaded, carried his father. (My husband was a big person, while my son is very thin). Within one month I had to come and go to 5 diferent hospitals !... Since that day, my husband couldn't go to teach (He used to be a network administration teacher). Any time we had the visit of workers to solve the problem... I had to took him to the hospital or doctor again. We are happy now, for not contact with them any more. We are all happy and healthy now. Many thanks for God had led us Psalm 23. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Tomorow I'll post uncle Dale letter for you see how many faces in it !... Uncle Lyle warning me, not sending this letter to friends by email !... I was surprised !... Now I understand the reason why they were afraid to send by email... Luke 12:3 Wherefore whatsoever ye have said in the darkness shall be heard in the light; and what ye have spoken in the ear in the inner chambers shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. |