Chau to the US
It would be nice if the reason for the move was for his eye sickness -- Unfortunately our understanding of the 2x2 leadership mindset would indicate that
the prime motivation was to keep him out of Vietnam.


Xuan Hoan

Vu Trung Hien
(brother of the banished worker Chau)

Chau - the worker not allowed to be in his native country Vietnam


I am happy to inform you that uncle Châu has arrived safe and sound. Now he is staying at his youngest brother ,Vũ Trung Hiền's home.
his address   1839 N. Los Robles Ave

Pasadena, CA 91104

Office: 626 791-6311

Cell: 626 260-8115

I've just asked about his eyes. he said he has water glaucoma which pressed on the nerve and made the nerve die. I don't know if the doctor in the States can heal his eyes. May he meet good doctor.