Cherie Kropp [] Dear Mr. Bau, My name is Cherie Kropp, and I am the woman Edgar Massey wrote you about and told you I would be contacting you soon. If you care to, you can read my life story on line. The link is at the bottom of this letter. I was born and raised by professing parents and I grew up on a convention ground in Jackson, Mississippi USA. I stopped attending meetings about 20 years ago. I now live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I have read two letters that you recently wrote Edgar, and I sincerely empathize with your distress, frustration, sorrow, pain and confusion. When I became disillusioned by the workers, it was comforting for me to remind myself that it wasnt God who let me down?it was men who let me down. And to realize that I had trusted men too much. I began to seriously study the Bible for myself to determine what God wanted from me, and figure out what I believed and why. The result was a much sweeter, closer walk with God. I can assure you that life is good-- after leaving the fellowship meetings. About myself, I own two websites about the way of the workers and meetings. They are ?Telling The Truth? (short name: TTT) and ?The Liberty Connection? (short name TLC) TTT contains historical information about the way going back to when it started. TLC contains writings by those who have left meetings. Many have written their stories, like I have. Links to these websites are at the end of this letter. TTT contains a section that tells about how the workers first came (pioneered) and began the work in various countries. I would very much like to add a chapter about Vietnam. However, I need to know more about when and how the workers began in Vietnam. In this regard, I wonder if you would be willing to answer a few questions concerning Vietnam. They are: When did the workers first arrive? Who were the first brother workers to arrive? Where were they from? Who were the first sister workers to arrive? Where were they from? Who were the first native workers to go in the work and When? First Native Brother Workers: First Native Sister Workers: Who were the first to profess, what year and where? When & Where was the first Gospel Meeting held? When & Where was the first Sunday fellowship meeting held? When & Where was the first baptism held?
When & Where was the first convention held? Where have subsequent conventions been held? Where is the convention now held? Who have the Overseers been? If you care to, you can read some accounts about other countries here: Just click on any state or country. Some accounts have been written by friends or workers; Others are just the answers to the above basic questions. ------------------------------------------------------------- If you are agreeable, I would very much like to post your family story/history on both my websites. I would very much like to post the answers to the questions above on TTT, and follow it with your story. The TTT link below is what I am proposing: May I ask what the workers told you and others about when the way began? It actually started in Ireland in 1897 by a man named Wm Irvine, but the workers usually keep very quiet about this., and rarely ever volunteer this information. My website TTT gives the start-up details. This would be a very good way to get the sad unfair practices going on in VN out to the rest of the friends and workers. Both my websites get a lot of readers?more than any other website about the way on the internet. I?m certain that allowing me to post your story about Vietnam and the workers, etc. would be the most far reaching method there is to tell about the unjust, distressing situation that is going on in VN. Mr. Bau, feel free to ask me any questions you have. You have some very valuable information to share?something others in this worldwide fellowship really need to know about. I hope you will give my proposal serious consideration. Kind regards, Cherie Kropp Cherie?s Life Story Link: TTT LINK: TLC Website LINK: