Datum: 2013-06-04 19:42
Till: "'Cherie Kropp'"<>, "'Edgar Massey'"<>
Ärende: RE: The Vietnam Situation


Dear Ms Cherie Kropp

My name is Minh Thanh, the third daughter of Mr. Nguy?n H?u Báu, and the one that helps him sending letters to workers and friends over the world for years. By email.

By accident, my husband has read letters concerning events happening in Canada on line.

We were happy and stayed up late to translate uncle Bob?s letter into Vietnamese to share with our friends. With only one purpose to help them reduce their distress about the situation in VN, because some friends in Canada had experienced in advance.
There is nothing new under the sun?.

So my father wanted to contact uncle Edgar in order to know after all these things, now how is he?, Is he continuing in the fellowship with God?s people or not?


We very value the fellowship with each other and with God. Everything happening in Vietnam made us sad and painful, and we always desire to have the sweet fellowship again as we have ever had since long time.

We have read a lot in Telling The Truth and your past experience. It is the same as my experience in my childhood, so I?m feeling close and understand you so much.

I professed when I was 11 years old, being touched by the love and the sacrifice of workers, without having ever known or thought of the price when following our Lord?the same as you I couldn?t bear the  restrain that the workers asked, and our parents almost forced us to follow. When I was 17, I broke the rules to meet my desire?.such as going to the party, dancing, playing and travelling anywhere I wanted?

Although, I still believed this is a true way, just because I desired to be alike the world. I abandoned the way.

And I thought to myself, one day in the future, after satisfaction, I would return to the way. But it was nearly I wouldn?t have had that day, if God didn?t have mercy on me and saved me from a traffic accident?another one replaced me lying on the road?meanwhile God?s people were gathering for convention, only me on the way going to the party with my classmate.

I have returned to the fellowship since, with full of thanks and have enjoyed the blessing of God so far.

Drawing experience from myself, I let my children at ease in their choices, I only share my personal experience?I am happy that my children never abandon God in spite of being weak. (They are married and have children).

My husband is a nephew of a first catholic archbishop in Vietnam. In his childhood, he often helped the priest in worship in the church. When he heard the Gospel, he professed alone in his family. We satisfy in His Way until the Canadian workers made some trouble !...

When following God, we didn?t mind the origin of the way, the principal thing that touched us to profess was the image of God that we could see through the living life of the workers, and I believe this is a true way.

But at present we have difficulties, I think whoever sometimes they have wrong action or wrong decision (I check with my life).

But if we really want to be corrected, God still have mercy on us to the end. (as myself).

Beside these events, difficulties come to God?s people in Vietnam, I still feel God with us, keeping, comforting friends?we look forward the deliverance of God day and night. The happenings help us to appreciate more the union with each other and with God.


Because the responsible workers are trying to help us, we don?t want to cause any other concerns for them.

I see the questions that you offer, maybe my father cannot respond fully, because he is aged (85 years old). I know one person can respond all your questions exactly, I?ll ask him if he want to give you the answer?

You can open a page for Vietnam, but please don?t post any pictures or anything regarding to our family.

Thank you for your concern, and hope we have chance to exchange each other in order our spirit will be richer.

Best regard