The introductory letter from HoanNguyen written November 2013 (by permission)


Hi all, 

I'm the new member of this topic and I think this is the time for me to speak out.

My name is Hoan Nguyen, I'm Minh Thanh's daughter and oldest grand- daughter of Mr. Bau as well.
I have attending the meeting with my parents since I was 1 month old, and I made my choice 20 years ago.
I'm married and have 2 sons, I name my 2 sons : Timothy and Titus with the hope that my son will be useful in the work like uncle Chau and Hoa untill the Canadian workers came.

Those workers that my mother has mention are not only chased uncle out of the work but also drive a wedge between the peoples.

So that's the reason why I'm here to give you more information about Vietnam's situation now


A link to some of the other letters regarding this issue