This is a lovely little tribute written by Minh Thanh ( 2013-12-21) to Hoa, the worker forced into 2x2 exile by the imported Canadian leadership in Vietnam after many, many years in the work. He obviously continues his concern for folks in need there, with support from the body of  friends that have refused to follow the 2x2 decree and disregard his servuce. The large group of friends that 2x2 leadership has refused to take consideration too (and have been islolated) in the central effort to consolidate organizational leadership to Canadian appointed and approved workers. 

A heart wrenching story of the ugly backside of the enormous power hunger of North American 2x2ism. 

 Sadly,  2x2 leadership has obviously completely abandoned even the most basic and simple moral values of Christian teaching in favor of
 the counter-Christian self-interest of organizational control

Impelled by love I’ll go again. To seek the lost and dying men.
For in my heart there is a flame, Of burning love for Jesus name.



Uncle Hoa started on the way to visit friends…
(Miss Hồng Hoa (Rose) is an old sister, her faithfull through 50 years with God is a big encouragement to F&W.


Two big boxes on his back are dry provisions and instant noodle, for the friends in the far distance…

Canadian workers used the  motobike is ten times more expensive than the one uncle Hoa is using …  (Only the very rich people could reach it)


I hear the bleating of the sheep, and see the little lambs to keep;
I listen to the sinner’s plea. And say again, “Dear Lord, send me.”


 Written by

Minh Thanh 2013-12-21

A link to some of the letters regarding this issue