A collection of correspondence describing of the
enormous feeling of betrayal by 'the work' that previously these folks
had trusted, that ended these folks connection with Lyle
Shultz and his staff -- The ungodly, self-important and self-righteous demand for
unquestioning loyalty!! |

Lyle Shultz
(2x2 leader) |
From Minh Thanh
This letter was the end of our connection with Lyle & his staff.
First I want to remind you that Hoan is my husband name. We take his
name being my daughter middle name. So my daughter name is Hoàn
Nguyện (return the prayer with God). Because in English writing
hasn’t accent, so her name writing the same as family name (Nguyện &
Nguyễn). It is better you write her name as Hoan Nguyen.
I was get angry from my teacher (Uncle Châu’s sister), while written
her name “Cuc” instead of “Bach Cuc”.
So the following quote is from “Hoan Nguyen” my daughter not from my
husband “Hoan”.
About your asking…
The worker
just read this letter only, not sending to anyone. Even many friends
have asked to have a copy.
How we had it? The same as how we had uncle Fred letter to the
God gave it to us J,
because HE displeased with the spirit had written in that letter.
One friend
borrowed the letter from an foreigner sister at his field (she asked
him not copy the letter). He was afraid that we didn’t know there is
a letter writing about uncle Hoa. He brought it to my place for us
to read. (We have this copy because we have a photocopy machine at
home, immediately my husband copy the letter before readingJ.)
Then the friend send back the letter the day after… Many friends
still in their fellowship but disagree!.
So we had
known the hole letter before hearing from the workers in our field.
That was the reason why my father too angry with uncle Lyle, while
he visited with Cường at my parents house.
One day Lyle S.
came to my father’s house to read his letter. Two things that we
did not agree with him in his letter were: To respect the Workers
in the highest place. (It is our Lord’s place in our heart, not
Workers). And Uncle Hoa doesn’t have any part in the work of God in
VN anymore. My father said to Lyle, “That’s what YOU say;
God never says like that.” Seeing my father disagreed with
his letter, Lyle said: “I can’t take care of you any more.”
My father replied, “God will take care of us.”
A few days later Collin and uncle Lyle came to my house… in order to
talk with us, but I refuse to hear. I said “I had known the letter,
no need to read”. That was the time my daughter mention.
said Lyle S to “us”: "If
you refuse to obey ME, I will not take care
of you anymore." Can you imagine those words coming from a worker?
Minh Thanh
One day Lyle S. came to my
father’s house to read his letter. Two things that we did not agree
with him in his letter were: To respect the Workers in the highest
place. (It is our Lord’s place in our heart, not Workers). And Uncle
Hoa doesn’t have any part in the work of God in VN anymore. My
father said to Lyle, “That’s
what YOU say; God never says like that.” Seeing my father
disagreed with his letter, Lyle said: “I
can’t take care of you any more.” My father replied, “God
will take care of us.” Hoan
said Lyle S to “us”:
"If you refuse to obey ME, I will not take care
of you anymore." Can you imagine those words coming from a worker? ….One
day Lyle S. came to my father’s house to read his letter. Two
things that we did not agree with him in his letter were: To
respect the Workers in the highest place. (It is our Lord’s place in
our heart, not Workers). And Uncle Hoa doesn’t have any part in the
work of God in VN anymore. My
father said to Lyle, “That’s
what YOU say; God never says like that.” Seeing my father
disagreed with his letter, Lyle said: “I
can’t take care of you any more.” My father replied, “God
will take care of us.” Which
statement is correct? Yours or Hoans?
Do you know anyone who could translate the letter whenever they have
the time? (no rush--just before the VN Account is finished)
Dear Cherie
As you required, here is the letter
was spread out by Lyle’s staff without the signature of any body.
But we do know that from Lyle, for the sisters said to friends
“Lyle’s letter”.
There are two points we disagree with
uncle Lyle.
In page 1
· The
number 1 …
He isn’t considered to have a part in God’s work in this country.
In page 2 The
workers are worthy of our highest respect
Isaiah 47:8-8.. that
sayest in thy heart, I
am, and there is none else besides me; (I
only respect my God in the highest place, not them)
Minh Thanh
This is a copy of the letter from Lyle Shultz
expressing 2x2ism rejection of the worker Hoa, and rejection
of anyone else that
refused to regard the workers as exclusively Gods voice on the earth -
not to be questioned by mere 'friends'!!
(We are awaiting an English translation).


This is a picture of Lyle as he made his
attempt to assume power
in Vietnam and rid himself of any threats to his leadership
The translation of Lyle Shults letter above --
kindly translated and posted here by Minh Thanh
As this letter makes clear, Hoa
is a wonderful example of, even when directly confronted with
an extremely overbearing and power hungry leadership
- a leadership obsessed with a highly group-political prestige
issue, of Hoa being willing to stand for basic, well accepted
Christian principle regardless the personal cost. This issue clearly
exemplifies an enormous
moral failure by group leadership ..
and even more serious, the clearly distasteful
moral cowardice of
the vast majority of lower ranking workers who simply chose to
'look the other way' -- as the easy way out!!!.
Posts: 127 
Post by minhthanh on 19
hours ago
Written by Lyle Shultz and distributed under an oath
of secrecy
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On Feb. 15, 2012 Colin, Peter, Cuong and I had a
meeting with Uncle Hoa at our apartment ( bach) in
Saigon. In the last few months, Uncle Hoa has
visited friends quietly. He has tried to avoid
talking to and seeing the ministry leaders. He did
not attend Special Meetings. Uncle Hoa’s absences
lead to a lot of brothers and sister raising
questions about his sudden changes. It was necessary
for us to talk directly to Uncle Hoa in order to
provide answers for those who asked about Uncle
Hoa’s absence. So we had arranged a meeting during
which we asked Uncle Hoa about how he felt about the
relationship between us. Uncle Hoa had stated that
he did not agree with the way we managed the
ministry in this country. We could not talk more to
him about this issue. In the end, he decided to
leave us.
After the meeting, we would like to brief a few
things and make known to all of you:
1- Uncle Hoa voluntarily left the work in the middle
of 2010 with no intention of coming back. Thus, he
is not considered to have any part in the work in
this country.
2- We acknowledge that Uncle Hoa was in the ministry
for many years prior to 2010. We are very thankful
for all his years of service and give him our
respect. We also understand that a lot of brothers
and sisters have shared kind memories with him. He
has been helpful and supportive in the past. It was
hurtful for all of us to see him leave. We will
appreciate any effort that can encourage him to keep
in touch and be cooperative with the workers in the
fields that he visits.
3- Uncle Hoa can keep in touch with us whenever he
is ready. The door is always open for him. If he
wishes, we are ready to do anything in our ability
to help him to have a useful place.
4- All brothers and sisters should feel free to talk
to Uncle Hoa, if comfortable doing so. We don’t try
to police or intervene with personal acquaintances.
Though we know certain brothers and sisters do not
feel comfortable talking to him because he has
separated himself from us and does not have close
fellowship with the workers in this country.
We want to stress one thing and make it clear: the
workers are men and women who devote their lives for
the work. They
deserve our utmost respect. The
unity among workers and friends is the result of the
work of God in our hearts and we should protect our
hearts from any influences that bring division among
Posts: 124 
Post by minhthanh on 2
hours ago
As I had promissed, today I’m going to tell you how
happened when Uncle Lyle met uncle Hoa again after a
long time.
It seemed uncle Lyle displeased when seeing my
friend (Ngọc) talking a lot with uncle Hoa. She knew
uncle Hoa many years before, because all her
parents’ family professed in the past. Except her
mother passed away in the faith, all the rest in her
family had stopped after liberation day. She tried
to conect with us after 30 years missing, and wanted
to hear the Gospel again. I asked permision to uncle
Châu to let her know the time to listen to the
gospel. When uncle Châu preached at her place, many
friends came there with joy. After pushing uncle
Châu to Cambodia, Gospel meeting was still being
there, but the atmostphere was not happy as before.
It seemed that she and her husband wanted to
stop.They came to my house one day, telling their
feeling and asking “If you tell me to stop open my
house for the Gospel, I will stop immediately”. I
explained these thing to uncle Chau, he gave the
advice that let her the chance to hear the Gospel.
Recently I heard that there was no Gospel meeting at
her house any more…
Back to the meal at my house, uncle Lyle waved my
friend (Ngọc) coming to him, while she was talking
with uncle Hoa. (This lady couldn’t speak English
and couldn’t understand either. She asked me for
Uncle Lyle was destroy the nice asmostphere should
be in the meal instead of joy and happiness, It
became heavier at that moment !... I regretted to
invite him.
After leaving uncle Lyle asked uncle Hoa “May you
come to my batch tomorrow morning for talking”.
Uncle Hoa went to meet uncle Lyle at his batch as he
required. His staff already being there too (Colin &
Peter : Canadian workers, Cường: Vietnamese).
By this chance uncle Hoa suggested some ideas that
suitable for the Work of God in Viet Nam to them.
Unnoticed with what uncle Hoa suggested. Uncle Lyle
asked uncle Hoa many times “Where are you standing?”
“Where are you standing for suggesting your idea?”
Seeing uncle Lyle did not concern his suggestions.
(Uncle Hoa advise them to work or do as the
beginning workers had done, but uncle Lyle didn’t
mind. It seemed that he just wanted to show his
power before uncle Hoa and his staff !...)
Immediately uncle Hoa stood up and left them…
In my opinion uncle Lyle should asked himself, where
were his standing? He should remember. He is in
Vietnam, he is a foreigner. The flock belong to our
two local workers for many years. He didn’t find the
sheep, he just came more than a year !... How could
he know everything belong to our country.
Few days later, uncle Lyle ordered to his staff
bringing his letter to their own field reading for
all friends throughout the country knowing his
decision about uncle Hoa.
They don't let anyone to have another copy, even
friends asked.
God open a chance for me to have it. Tomorrow I will
tell you how I had it, and uncle Lyle' letter as
A link to some of the other letters
regarding this issue |