Post by minhthanh on yesterday at 10:51pm

We were still in the fellowship with friends at my sister Minh Tâm's place, but
seeing we disagreed with the way they did, then Lyle trying to push us out.
Biginning with his cool face, then didn't want to shake hand with me, he
ignoredus as if I weren't being there.(It was a very interesting story.)
Many things I couldn't explain clear for you. It doesn't matter you believe or
not. As to me uncle Lyle is really a twisting man.
Seeing the young workers speaking something not in the Bible. Just repeated
the same as her companion had said, my husband reminded her, and asked: " Please
show me where in the Bible says "The
past belongs to the devil" as
you preached." We have read through The Bible many times, but never saw any
written as "The
past belongs to the devil".
Her reply was: "I heard from one worker, but not in the bible". Workers (special
workers recruited from Darrel, often metion somthing in their speech showing
uncle Hoa was a false or acting wrong, belongs to devil... or something like
that. We felt tired to hear, because we didn't reveive any help with the way
they preached. Almost them are young. This young worker saying the same as her
companion had said in the past.
Immediatly they reported to Lyle, uncle Lyle had mentioned at my house that
"Because you not support to the young worker so your place never has the
gathering again." We never wanted to support people say anything not written in
the Bible.
After chasing uncle Chau, the fellowship at my house became terrible. Some
disagreed with Darrel decision, others supported to Darrel. Then the fellowshing
became the place to stone one another. I had sent an email to uncle Dale telling
this situation !!!.
Continue my story for you can figure out the real
picture uncle Lyle treating with us.
Even seeing uncle Hoa stopped cooperate with them, but
we still continued fellowship with friends at my
sister's place. (My parents were being in that church
Seeing that we still respected, agreed and supported to
uncle Hoa's work, gradually uncle Lyle changed his face
becoming cool to me, even didn't want to shake hand with
I often sit in front of workers in order easily to hear.
After a few weeks noticing that uncle Lyle didn't want
to shake hand with me. I told my sister Minh Tâm about
his action. First of all she disagreed and didn't
believe what I told her.
The next meeting at her place,(After the meeting, while
uncle Lyle went around shaking hand to each member in
the meeting. I asked my sister standing beside me in
front of Mr Lyle. He shook hand with my sister, then
went ahead to other friends.
Smiling and giving a glance to my sister I said: "Now
you witness by your eyes, do you believe?"
Immediatly my sister pulled his sleeve back, and asked
him "Why you don't shake hand with my sister?" Of course
he didn't know that was the day I wanted to prove his
action to my sister. He turned back and shook hand with
me, then "Sorry, for I haven't shaken hand with you
When I told uncle Châu this story, he said to me, "I
don't want to hear, don't judge other... If you still
tell the wrong of others I will never contact with you
anymore" My answer to uncle Châu: "I just want to tell
you the truth, you may ask my sister Minh Tâm, whether
it was right or not."
Tân & Bình a very faithfull couple, (ex.elder) told me
the same story that Mr Lyle.S show his cool face to
them, while seeing they still cooperated with us and
uncle Hoa, visiting friends in the countryside.
I want to close my post here as the end of the letter of
a sister worker Mango Chango (aka) SW (A victim of an
2x2 overseer.)
I realize you all can & will pick this apart and put it
back together 100 different ways & you are all entitled
to your opinion of whether or not I'm lying or not &
whether or not Mr Lyle is really like that. Go ahead if
it makes you feel better, it doesn't change the facts
and it does not change what happened.