Public humiliation by 2x2 leadership

Xuan Hoan
After the wedding, my wife came to Dalat with me in 1979 . We lived in Dalat for 24 years. In 2002 we moved to Saigon. 

    One of our joys when returning to Saigon of my family was that we often had fellowship meeting with many friends and always had workers beside to be taken care. (at that time only in Saigon there were 6 workers, splitting in 3 fields).

    I thought that also benefited our children's spiritual lives. And the young friends were often gathered by overseer.

    But regrettably, there was a gathering reserving for young friends which disturbed the spirit not only of our son, but also ours as parents.

    At that time our family just moved to Saigon, about ten years ago. That gathering was held at my youngest sister-in-law. My son was invited to attend that gathering through mobile phone message together with his other cousins.

    In fact we hadn't known the subject of that gathering until the problem happened.

It was the next day, my little sister-in-law boomingly came to my parents in-law, retold the whole content of that gathering. In fact, my father-in-law was very enthusiastic, caring about all activities in God's way. He had many grandchildren and he always said: "my wish is seeing the grandchildren will choose the best things…such as offering your lives to God's work". And my father-in-law as well as my little sister-in-law's family hoped very much her eldest daughter had that wish. (now, my father-in-law directly told her to marry…). My sister-in-law told my father that our son, Bình, had destroyed the godly spirit of the gathering for young friends. After finishing listening, my father-in-law hastly rode the motorbike to my house, called my son out to reprove immediately…

Of course my son felt hurt, which was inherently of few words. Later he said to us that: "from now on, don't call me to attend young friends' gathering any more. We asked each person thoroughly , especially my wife was very worried ... going to ask the young people who were preparing to go to work such as Cuong and Hai(now they are workers) ...

    Turning out it was a gathering in which the overseer (Darrel) asked each young friend to utter their wishes and future plans…

    Almost the young friends expressed their wish to choose the best thing, offering their life to God…only our son said : " I wish to have beautiful wife, to buy a car and build a house with many floors…"

    According to my sister-in-law, that thought of her nephew of three generations in the Truth was a shame, because she named many young friends in other families who spoke beautiful and godly words …which made my father-in-law angry…

    In order to resolve the problem, in a meal my wife softly asked our son. He only answered succinctly: "they are my real wishes…they asked me to express my heart, I had to say my real heart. They felt I am not godly, please don't ask me to attend the young friends' gathering any more."

    In our opinion, we didn't blame our son because he had expressed from his real heart when he was asked.

    And we have drawn a conclusion that, it is easy to become an hypocrite in an organisation because people want to hear beautiful words, rather than real heart words.