This is a very touching letter regarding  the workers efforts to condemn the marriage of her daughter to an 'outsider' -- and how this marriage of love has been proven through time, to produce a beautiful family.

Minh Thanh and husband



One sister has just reminded me that I still owed a promise with friends in board !!!

Maybe she wondered with my words to uncle Châu 9 years ago.

"I can't bear with things happening like this, I can not continue in this way... I would better stop now !!!" 

I really didn't mean I wanted to leave or stop. Because that was the very special time we cooperated with F&W for translating new hymn book, rewriting all the hymns by computer, changing to made it the same as new hymn book throughout the world. (Afraid the post too long, may I postpone this issue for next time. Very interesting, I hope that I would not forget to tell you about it, a big effort of working from uncle Châu).

I said that just because I felt very sad with the way workers doing after agreement with our discussion about my daughter's wedding feast. 

My daughter fell in love with a good person in life, just only one thing made him become bad in "2x2" eye as mine. That was he wasn't a professing man. Many times we persuaded our daughter to wait until finding a friend in the fellowship suitable with her. (Of course there were some young friends wanting to marry her, but there were some little differences that we could not get over).

It was her second year in university. I persuaded her to fullfill her study first. Because it was very hard for us to support her study, we had managed our best for her to study. Not only us but she also worked at night time and weekend as a processing worker in a company, the place where I was working. All the payment for her study first.

The harder she worked and studied, the more precious she became in her friend's eye. He also appeared that he was worthy for her too… Put aside with all their effort, in our 2x2 eye, my daughter should not marry with a person outside The Truth. After hearing some advices from uncle Châu we tried to prevent them.

I followed her closely every time I could, made my daughter became depression & sadness. She didn't want to talk with us, quietly cried with her sadness through months. 

Not passive as my daughter, her friend more active by facing with us, and asking. "We love together, we have prove that we are worthy to be one in love. Many other parents want me to marry their daughter, why you don't…? I wonder what is wrong in me causing you prevent our love? While the whole society agree and support to us…"

Of course we couldn't find any wrongness in his manner, except he isn't in our fellowship.

In spite of our prevention, with her active friend, they were successful in keeping their love through 6 years!!! 

With the support of our relatives in my side and my husband's side. We had to agree for my daughter to marry, because of seeing they were both worthy with their love.

When my daughter graduated, went to work, and I couldn't control her anymore.

Believing in their love will won our thought, both of them prepared much for a wedding coming, and their new life.

Now it was my time to persuade workers for their wedding. I didn't want to lost my daughter…

Of course no workers performed the wedding service. But I asked Morris (he was in our field) to give us a chance inviting F&W to the wedding feast, just only for F&W one day before my daughter's wedding, for friends could know my daughter married and my son in law too.

Hearing my plan, with the agreeing of Moris (the worker) we were going to fullfill our plan. Everything were settled, then I received a phone call from uncle Châu (Both of uncle Châu & Hoa not staying at Saigon at that time, and they both were not at my daughter's wedding).

I didn't know the reason why uncle Châu informed to me that we shouldn't invite friends to my daughter's wedding, for others wouldl do the same, marrying people outside. Workers were going to prevent friends not to come, while we had everything already arranged & money already paid for the feast.

Disappointed, and seeing we were not wothy to be in the fellowship, because we agreed for my daughter to marry with a person outside. I had said to uncle Châu "I can't bear with things happening like this, I can not continue in this way... I would better stop now !!!" 

I just had said and felt unworthy with the Perfect Way, deeply sad because my daughter married with unprofessing.
 It was my turn becoming depressed & sad.

Seeing that we had long time in close cooperation with workers in unity, loved friends and respected workers. And also seeing everything was settled, maybe being afraid I may stop because of sadness. Worker agree for friends to come, uncle Châu asked Mr Bram to come as well, to comfort us. (Mr. Bram had come to the South that day).

Tomorrow will be my daughter wedding ceremony. Through time,they have proved their worthiness and true love together.

My son in law not only a good person in society, but also a very lovely husband with his wife, lovely father in his children's eye, and in our eye too… 

Writing this today, I feel a little regret to prevent their love in the past. Maybe going through hard time in love, they value the happiness they have struggled for :. 


Hoan Nguyen


This is the first time that I have heard my Mom' s thoughts about us. Yes, I still remember very clearly about my wedding day, my Mon keep crying because I am married to an outsider. One week after my wedding, there was a meeting for young people and the worker told the young people that i was the bad example for the friends...i want to keep silence and time will prove to the workers that they are wrong. We still very happy together and grow up my two little boys in the truth..



Hoan Nguyens original letter November 2013

Hi all, 

I'm the new member of this topic and I think this is the time for me to speak out.

My name is Hoan Nguyen, I'm Minh Thanh's daughter and oldest grand- daughter of Mr. Bau as well.
I have attending the meeting with my parents since I was 1 month old, and I made my choice 20 years ago.
I'm married and have 2 sons, I name my 2 sons : Timothy and Titus with the hope that my son will be useful in the work like uncle Chau and Hoa untill the Canadian workers came.

Those workers that my mother has mention are not only chased uncle out of the work but also drive a wedge between the peoples.

So that's the reason why I'm here to give you more information about Vietnam's situation now