Thankfulness in the midst of tribulation


Post by minhthanh on yesterday at 10:51pm


This morning, I talked to my wife that I had been lucky because I had met a staff of workers that only concern to sow a seed of Christ in my heart until Christ became greater in my heart and they became smaller. I saw clearly the same as John Baptist said:"He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30.  They helped me day by day more and more depend on the Bible and less and less depend on them. Uncle Fred's staff comprised of auntie Bonnie Dahlin, auntie Phillis Munn, uncle Edwin, uncle Cecil, uncle Christie, uncle Châu, uncle Hoa, sister Thư Anh, sister Băng Ngọc. I am very very grateful to them. I didn't have a lot of time with them due to the liberation day came very soon to me. But I continued being fed by uncle Hoa, uncle Châu, sister Thư Anh, sister Băng Ngọc.
In my opinion, maybe not true, Uncle Fred's staff was a particular one, hard for me to encounter a such similar staff nowaday.
Now  the workers(in my country) demand the friends  "because the teacher staff is a precious, dedicated group of men and women who deserve our highest respect."(quoted in Lyle Shultz's letter). I feel he wanted "the worker increase, Christ decrease"
    Many things have happened which made me worry:"Where is the true way of God?"
At first, we thought Vietnam problem was an only one in the world but gradualy, we knew problem in Alberta, Canada. We felt being comforted and day by day we realise that this is a global issue, and we know the history of 2x2 cult and many other things.
We thank God for opening our eyes such as the Samaritan woman asked Jesus: "Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”
Jesus answered: "believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.  Yet a 
time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.  God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”(John 4:20-24)
 So I have had the answer, we worship the Father neither in Catholic way nor in Two by two religion. We worsip the Father in the Spirit and in truth.
   +Once more, we have a lot thanks to Edgar Massey to have contact with us. And he has kept carefully the account of Alberta. and now he has done for Vietnam account, very easy to follow and understand.
   +We have a lot thanks to Cherry Kropp for her Telling The Truth Website and the Vietnam account. I think she has done her best to be true, exact, clearly. Her work will be rewarded by our God. Her effort brings many souls closer to God, not to any human organisation.
  +We have a lot thanks to my wife's friend in States,for introducing us to website Truth Meeting Boards.
  +We have a lot thanks to Administrator of Website Truth Meeting Boards for giving us opportinuty to encounter many precious friends on the board, through their experiences, their thoughts, their choices partly take part in our choices. we don't feel lonely any more. we have more peace, more calm and the most important we help each other to see and have more Spirit of Christ.
  +We have a lot of thanks to our friends on this Board. I think we only begin our new chapter, we will continue to share our experience on our life's way in order in the end we can meet our Father and our Lord in joy. 
See all of you on the next post.


Minh Thanh

Do you know the reason why my husband says thanks to many workers and friends in his recent post. Last night he passed a serious problem in his health. It  threatened me that easy for him to go with God, left me alone in this earth. Just only two of us lived in the home.
He often has sequela from his stroke three years ago.He is OK now, and continues with me on the board :).
The above happening has the same meaning with the event that my two Vietnamese girl friends whom I wanted to meet at Ibis Hotel in Darling Harbour.
Although, we had gone through very devious way to reach there, but I never met them, just talked by phone.
They are my closest friends in VN. We all travelled together in many tours from the very South to the top North. They also persuaded me to join with them to Australia.
At first I refused to go, but thought that by this occasion I might have the chance to meet uncle Edwin Allen. The worker I love and respect more than 50 years. I wanted to go.
When the invitation letters from the organisers came to our group (5 girl friends). The other 4 friends hesitated to apply document to the consulate for having visa to enter Australia. Our friends were afraid that if the consulate didn't agree they might lose a lot of money !!! So they waited us to apply first, until we had the visa, then they applied their document.
Of course with the invitation letter for a conference, we all had the visa to go. But unfortunately for our friends that the limited time for submitting attendance  the conference came to deadline. Only I and my husband could attend because we had the visa earlier. the Two friends quit the confrerence, two others still proceeded to go to Australia but in a tour 5 days only with the outsiders. We couldn't meet them because they were on their tour that day... returning late at night!...
It reminded me if we hesitated in serving our God now... we may lose the chance enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Waiting friends at Ibis Hotel in a windy, cold afternoon

My husband post this picture for teasing me look like a southeast asian beggar :).