In retrospect -- the enormous 2x2 interest in 'teaching for doctrine the commandments of men'
(read Minh Tanhs simple but clear account below)


My daughter with blue dress holding the child, I am sitting beside with the black pullover
Understandably her last convention!!


Your question reminded me the first and also the last convention that my daughter attended in Singapore in 2009.

Before attending the convention, the elders told the friends that the workers wanted them to dress standardly clothes and to set example to other people when coming in Singapore.

The dressing is not a problem with elderly people such as me but it is a problem to young ladies, among them there was my daughter. Sometimes sister workers contributed their ideas or reminded the friends.

After the convention, on the day we returned to Viet Nam. While we were waiting the departure time, some workers and friends gathered to sing hymns. I also sat down to sing with them, holding my grandchild in my arms in order my daughter could be free her hands to pack the suitcase. After finishing packing, she went about to look for me and the child in order to bottle feed the baby and give him drug to take (the baby had fever, I and my daughter had taken him to the hospital in Singapore to see the doctor)

When seeing my daughter going convention and being strenuous with the baby, uncle Châu saw Nguyện entering to look for me and the child, he was compassionate to her and asked her to join to sing the hymns. He also took the picture of that cosy place.

Only a few minutes after that, a young sister worker, named Hải (English name Ruby) came and talked into my ears: “You should tell you daughter to change the dress more secretive!!!...”

 Sharontheriches, thank you for your analysing and sharing…there are many issues that we need to think of in order to see which is the most important. Which one brings us to the salvation: the dressing of clothes or the Spirit.

Turning back the story of my daughter in Singapore in a convention in 2009. I knew that my daughter had done all her effort and overcome many difficulties in order to attend the convention.

Now, everybody in the room could see the young worker coming between me and my daughter and talking something into my ears. Immediately after that my daughter embraced the child out of the room. I couldn’t let my daughter in such state of mind, I ran after her…

Looking the picture you can see my parents and my youngest sister sitting in the opposite row, my elder sister on the left of me.
When seeing me standing up running after my daughter, my younger sister yelled (perhaps she wanted to let everyone know her spirit): “you should not defend your daughter, you should stand by the workers!!!” 

 Despite what she said, I ran after my daughter, keeping up with her at the top of the staircase. She both walked and cried. My daughter and I were not a type of talking a lot, and everything happened too fast for me to know something to talk to her. I only cried with my daughter. My daughter said: “When I want to endeavor to better myself, I will be trampled into a deep pit…why they much value the outer appearance.

 Until now when I retell you this story, my tears still shed, I can not express all the state of my heart at that time, the difficulties that I and my daughter experienced before, during and even after the convention. At that time my son would have an access examination into the university so my husband stayed at home with him.

 My daughter returned to her room in a nearby hotel, I stopped at the banister alone. A moment later, that young lady worker coming near me. When I exposed to her my daughter’s heart and ideas, she said: “Excuse me. Normally I don’t put much attention to the outside/appearance. I don’t know why today I care much about it.”

In fact in that convention, there were some foreign ladies wore dresses freshly(I don’t have English word here but I think you understand) even in the gathering.

 I don’t defend my daughter, but I see that the dresses is not the most important thing. Otherwise, at that time it was not a fellowship gathering, it was only a sudden singing gathering to fill up the empty hours while we waited the bus to the airport.

Traveling near the midday, holding the child in fever, of course my daughter had to choose the most appropriate dress in that situation, me also. With that dress it was still normal when she was on board…but a trauma has left a scar in her heart until now.

Your question reminded me the verses in the Bible
In Psalm 51:6  Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb”
Jesus reminded the Pharisees . Matthew 23:27
 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.