Causing the pain of division


Post by minhthanh on yesterday at 10:51pm



My uncle Trọng and his niece asked me to post this story. He wanted to meet uncle Lyle to blame the bad spirit that the Northern American overseers have brought into his family. Cannot meet uncle Lyle here so he can read this on internet.

Uncle Trọng has 5 daughters and a son. One of his daughters is a sister worker which is a helful assistant of Darrel then Lyle Shutlz. Three others support the sister worker. Only the eldest daughter and her family continue the faith with golden friends. His niece Bình considers him as father because her father had passed away since she was a child. Her uncle raised her up along with his children. Almost his children live in Saigon but he lives 90 km far from here.

On Saturday 8-2-2014, a day before our visit to Suối Lạnh place, he travelled to Saigon to visit his children. According to Vietnamese tradition, on the new lunar year days, the children have obligations to visit their parents. On this case, he did the opposite because he saw this day was nearly the end of new lunar year holiday and no children came to visit him. He entered his daughter’s house, namely Hiếu means “Dutiful to one’s parents”. Uncle Trọng had the meal here with his children and grandchildren and his niece Bình. 

Hiếu knew that the next day there would be a gathering of golden friends in Suối Lạnh, so she tried to prevent her father from attending the gathering by devising a trap. 

She asked her father to stay at her home. Her father didn’t agree because he said that he felt happy, peaceful and joyful to stay with his niece’s home. 

This time failed, she came up to another idea. She asked her father to have a family reunion the next afternoon at Binh's house. She pretended not knowing the gathering of golden friends the next day. He refused because of our gathering at Suối Lạnh. She asked to have the union later but his niece said that she was afraid they would not be sure to return home in time.

Then Hiếu became angry with her father and Bình (his niece). She cursed and had loud voice with Bình. The two other daughters cooperated with Hiếu to abuse Bình.

Uncle Trọng spoke out: “why do you yelled to your sister like a school of farmer dogs barked?”

Then Bình and uncle Trọng prepared to leave for Bình’s home. Hiếu shouted at them: “I spent a lot of money each time you were sick now you want to stay with your niece(Binh) to glorify her. If you go far which can cause you ill and it would cost me a lot of money again...”

Uncle Trọng said: “your name is Hiếu (dutiful to one’s parents) but you are very undutiful now.”

And with sadness he left his handwriting “Feeding parents with the lacking of respect , which is like feeding dogs and horses” . After writing these letters, he fell but fortunately he was wounded a little on his face.Thank God for keeping him. His niece is still keeping this line of letters

Uncle Trọng wanted to post his story to ring a bell that “what spirit have the 2x2, especially the North American overseers brought into his family?”

His family have been well-known of one with dutiful, well- raised children. Now with the new spirit of these workers his children become ill-bred, unmanerly. 

This question he longs to sending uncle Lyle Shutlz, Dale Shutlz and Darrel.

-Uncle Hoa comforting uncle Trọng after hearing his story

-Uncle Trọng and his niece Binh


Uncle Hoa comforting uncle Trọng after hearing his story


Uncle Trọng and his niece Binh


Ross Boden

The 2x2 system has divided many families over the years.

When you believe that you have the only right way to Heaven and some of your family leaves there are many emotions involved:

- they can't understand why you would leave God's only right way and his true ministers
- they believe you are going to hell (I was told this by a couple of relatives)
- if the workers are "in their ear" as is the case in Vietnam, they may either cut off those who have left or seek to frustrate their efforts (ie not meet up with the   golden friends etc)
- they can no longer influence you the way they used to - that can lead to a lot of frustration!
- they will be wanting to please the workers in their behaviour to earn the workers' favour

So you get all kinds of skittish behaviour, much of which is out of character, and I'm sure a fair bit of which is regretted later.

Hieu is frustrated beyond belief - she is in a situation she can no longer control. She is torn between loyalty to her family and loyalty to the workers in Vietnam!

Uncle Trong and Binh now have complete freedom in Christ and understand completely what it's like to be free from a destructive system. It would be hard for them to understand why Hieu is reacting the way she is.

But over time it will heal. Christ's love will win out. As Uncle Trong and Binh continue to show Christ's love to Hieu and continue to act as Hieu is still a sister and daughter in Christ, the Holy Spirit will soften her heart.

And while Hieu may not leave the 2x2 system (although this is a distinct possibility) she will soften towards you.

How do I know - it's been my personal experience. And if I'm honest it took longer in my case because I didn't always respond with the Spirit of Christ to some of the things that were said to me 

Minh Thanh

Bình is uncle Trọng's niece, I am his wife's niece (My auntie passed away). We all know together since we are very young. I was terrible affraid when hearing my uncle Trọng fell down, maybe by this happening uncle Trọng & Bình wanted to ring the bell for awakening my sister cousins.

I heard in detail the happening, I also retold to uncle Châu, maybe he can give some advices to both sides. I do know all my cousin sisters. Hiếu really has the best manner in duty with her dad as her name, soft voice and much concern to him. I hardly believed things going so bad like this. 

I also had shared to uncle Châu about my father's advice to his children, when seeing the familly was torn by the 2x2ism, my parents were deeply sad, and here was my father's advice to his children.. 

"Anyone may have their own belief, someone believes that the 2x2ism may bring people to heaven, others may not believe like that. You all can keep your belief, but please not dishonor  others' belief, and please do not bring the 2x2ism to tear the peace in the family. Please keep the love and unity in the family as we have had as ever" 

Now in my parents' family, gradually restore the peace and unity among three sisters in the big family of my parents. 
I do hope that over time can heal all the pain in both sides. I know Hieu feeling how painful in her heart to say something harsh like this. May the Spirit of God will help and lead us how to do, to make wrong things to be right