Documents pre 2024-04 |
Posts regarding Woodstock NB convention
McDonalds NB description of abuse in the work |
Our personal story
2001 |
My communication with
senior workers 2001 |
Other current developments |
The violent hostile take-over by
western workers in Vietnam 2013 |
1999 |
Marg Magowans
expulsion from the work 2001 |
Personal reflections |
Return to main |
Convention at Stocks Farm in Staffordshire England unexpectedly cancelled
March 2024
(from Facebook group '2x2 church updates')
(I was there for convention in 1979-1980 - and became good friends
with Shaun Buckly!!)
Edward Emberton
chooses to leave the work
in BC Canada
because of the
"current climate"
(published by WingsForTruth)

Top ranking cult leadership
figure in BC Canada
Known for his indifference to the dangers of CSA and SA
and for his will to deal harshly with critisizm
Merlin Affleck
Ernie Sharpe – convicted 1994 – still a problem
(published by WingsForTruth)
As this man is now living in Ontario I presume that Dale
Shultz is the senior worker involved in disregarding the seriousness of the

Top ranking cult leadership
well known by many for his role in protecting sex offenders
and cruelly disparaging and humiliating victims
(see the BBC article)
Dale Shultz
Published by "FrontPorchNews"
"Sexual Abuse Survivors Are Exposing Secretive Religous
Group: “The Truth”

Referenced in the
article as former sect minister
Steve Rohs
Ferry ID Conventions folks choose to shut down convention
because of the obvious moral concerns
(published by WingsForTruth)
(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) article
regarding sexual abuse by a worker

Responsible cult leadership
figure BC Canada
Merlin Affleck
Scheller leaves the work
by WingsForTruth)
Feb 2024
Another top leadership figure from Montana Wyoming - Scott Rauscher
obliged to leave the work
Unsuitable sexual involvement!
(published by WingsForTruth)
FBI 2x2 investigation
(on FBIs website)
Feb 2024
BBC publishes the FBI investigation
Feb 2024
2x2 Sexual abuse on BBC
(published by British Broadcasting Corporation)

Responsible cult leadership
Dale Shultz

Confessed long time offender
Sect minister
Robert Corfield
Other relevant
Cult Leadership figure in Sask
Jim Atcheson |

Assumed cult Leadership
figure in Alberta Canada
Mike Hassett |
Original letter by Doyle Smith
regarding Dean Bruers extreme sexual activity as a senior minister
(published by WingsForTruth)
March 2023

Dean Bruer
as senior cult leadership figure
until his untimely death June 2022
Power and Abuse in
Canada (Marg Meyer(Magowan)
(published by WingsForTruth)
And by the way --- I am proud to be her cousin!
All these 4 bare major guilt in the
ugly abuse issues that Marg refers to.
It would seem that they have betrayed (and continue to betray) the most basic moral values
that decent folks trust.
We have over 250 other documents on record
by involved folks expressing concern about these horrible issues
(unfortunately many have only been written on different secret forums to
avoid group reprisal -- Only a very few have had the moral
courage to overcome this cowards 'escape route' and to more
honourably write and speak from the heart openly and
Ultimate guilt may lie with a vast grassroots membership body that
lack the moral courage to stand up for what they believe in their
hearts. These 250 documents prove that membership is well aware!!!
and concerned!!
but has obviously chosen 'darkness rather than light'.


Wonder what shoe this would quite
obviously fit on perfectly! |

Don't mess it up with outside influence

vs The curse and attraction
of carefully worded group compromise |

The only escape route
from the pain of corruption

Note the crumbling beyond the haughty front.
What could this be refering to? |

I have wondered and wondered
just why so many folks claiming moral interest are so extremely
determined to save 2x2ism and retain their place within it
.. No matter how many breaches of moral dignity and indecent policy
turn up.
Its not like there are no other honorable options ...
One thing 2x2 has pounded into the membership mindset from the
begining is that "We are a little bit superior over every other
group philosify or Christian representation in the world"
God likes us a little
better than ALL other organizations on our planet!!!"
Professing friends and workers have developed a likeing for
feeling this way, and want to retain that inbred superior feeling!
That explains it well. |

The 2x2 culture has obviously bred
ignorance into its long term followers .. The brick wall that so
many are banging their heads against will withstand a thousand more heads
banging on it without change. Time and history has proven this time
and time again.
There is a very simple and obvious way to leave this idiotic and
morally defunct wall and system behind and continue family life and
spirituality in decency and
Why is it such a hard equation?
Maybe because of 2x2 cultural
ignorance?? And because its hard for anyone (especially
religious folks) to admit they have been deceived so easily!!
and for so long!! |

There is an amzing beauty in the
humanitarian moral values expressed in Christian teaching that
some of us were taught as children .. Things like kindness,
empathy, mercy, forgiveness, openness, honesty, hospitality,
decency, non-violence, humility, integrity, respect for others,
equality, thankfulness, service,
etc etc All these most wonderful things that would make our
entire world and existance a better place
Unfortunatly these things are now obviously being violently
betrayed and openly defiled by the very folks that we trusted
and expected would protect them. It breaks our hearts!!
Yet the vast majority of workers and friends choose to openly violate
these most basic simple values -- and dismiss them as
insigificant in the organization they participate in and support.
Why? Self-interest, self-righteousness, arrogance and
hypocricy of the most evil kind.
Leave it behind! |

There are a large number of ’reform’ and information sites and ideas
being floated on the internet regarding 2x2ism.. Much of it
Information regarding the ongoing sexual abuse scandal that has hit
the fan recent months.
Information in large volumes of countless morally despicable
happenings within the 2x2 fellowship – and things that have been
happening in the shadows for a very, very long period of time.
In its wake, hundreds of other issues of abuse and violations of
decency and moral dignity that have been -uncovered. Not just
individual failings – but built in systematic failures (criminal
issues) all the way from- being fostered at the very top leadership
down to the lowest ranking membership in the bottom of the hierarchy
and organizational structure of the group.
Good and well – that light has been shone on it all ---
but to me, even these information sites are spreading falseness
… The false illusion that things are now being dealt with, and
return to ‘normal’ will be morally dependable.
This is NOT the first major scandal wave that his hit the group …
Reform has always resulted in the following scandal being
more despicable and ‘evil’ than the previous.
Why would ANYONE trust ANYTHING the comes from a 2x2 infected
mouth today? |

What an awful "critical
this author had!!! (Wonder if Dale Shultz would remember who it was
that was so critical?? -- ánd maybe expell him!
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for
ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful
outward, but are within full of dead men's bones,
and of all uncleanness.
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within
ye are full of hypocrisy" |
I am disappointed and in utter shame for all my friends and
relatives that knowingly continue in full participation, supporting
an organization that has been proven beyond doubt to have
systematically destroyed so many innocent lives with the
cruelest and vilest from of moral failure -- for the last 100
years!! |
Talk about disappointment and shame!! A
religious group that I was part of for a major part of my life … is
now undergoing the uncovering of an enormous Child Sexual Abuse
scandal … Apparently that has been going on for the last hundred
years … and now revealed that it has been enabled by very top
leadership. A leadership that has actively promoted different
protection schemes for the most ugly and daring of abusers. At the
same time as victims cry's have been systematically dismissed,
shamed, and even punished for coming forward with accusations of
crime that could reflect on the image of the organization!
Of course, much of this has gone on in
the unknown darker corners of the organization … Yet even now when
it has been clearly brought to light, the vast majority of
membership refuses to acknowledge its moral seriousness – and the
lives that have been destroyed. Present day membership seem to just
brush if off as insignificant in their faith.
Blame has been directed to ex
membership for the bitterness of bringing it to light-- some have
correctly blamed leadership for their unquestionable role.
Leadership has blamed victims for not just quietly accepting their
abuse in interest of the ‘testimony’.
To me, a major part of the blame now can be squarely placed on
membership, that still choose to knowingly continue full
participation and moral support to a despicable organization that
has betrayed so many.. The courage to stand for what is right and
true apparently doesn’t exist anywhere within the group any longer.

The lost freedom to express
genuine moral belief and concern
Just about a week
ago I was violently made aware of the extreme terror folks have of
family and workers becoming aware of the genuine feelings and well
justified moral concerns in their hearts.
Hidding genuine belief and concern is being regarded as a more
important part of life than the most basic honourable principle ...
That love of secrecy in reality is also pure and
uncontestable dishonesty!!
And what is
hypocrisy?.. Believing one thing under cover, and supporting
something else by active participation.
A woman that could use all
the shallow excuses others seem to be using these days to
avoid group condemnation -- but she refuses to put her stamp
of participation-willingness, to an ungodly organization
systematically harming people. A majority of membership (and
workers) seem to lack her courage and stedfastness of faith.
Gwen Bartlett Call for Honesty and Truth
WINGS Note: Written
by a 92 year old lady who lived on convention grounds in Zimbabwe
for 30 years.
Posted on Wings for Truth

John the baptist got tired of the
religious deceivers following him and compared them to 'vipers'--
Snakes make their moves in 'slithers' rather than honourably forward
in concrete steps!!
(wonder why I thought of that
just now??)

There is an interesting and valueable promise in
several of the gospels in the bible ... Offering a simple
non-organizational escape (salvation) from the heavy wéight of
religious ideas that had corrupted into something extremely
far from the realms of decency, honesty and truth.
It was
described as an entrance into a new and wonderful life (almost like
a new birth into something simple and new) where
harmony and peace could exist -- separate from the chains of
self-good religion that held so many captive in moral embarassment.
The promise is still there for the accepting! |

Your personal silence is telling lies!
Don't put all the blame on workers or leadership.
Reform subgroupings are even implying that a collective can
replace individual responsibilty
to openly and
independantly and personally stand up for truth and simple decency.
The kerfluffel of
Oct 14-16 is a fresh reminder of the enormous terror in many (so
called believers) of being expected to personally be held
responsible (and take the consequensces) for the things they speak,
write and honestly feel in their hearts.
Matthew 5:11-13
A Nameless Insular Religious Sect Is Being Rocked by a Massive
Sexual Abuse Scandal
Published in Vice News
October 12, 2023

Chief Editor |
Letter from Mike Hassett Alberta overseer
Completely ignoring the CSA crisis
article was posted by WingsForTruth

An acceptable situation according to him!! |
Phil Robinson (Saskatchewan) has been jailed for Sexual Crime
against a 15 year old
Now apparently still an
elder for a Wed. meeting

Jim Atcheson
Responsible worker for this
continued abuser protection

Dale Shultz
Very responsible at the time
These days (since the Dean Bruer issue
broke in March) there have been literally thousands upon thousands
of folks that have finally chosen to share heartbreaking experiences
of life destructive issues within the fellowship. A fellowship that
they are part of, or have been members in. Not all stories are new
--- the issue has gone on now for over a hundred years.
Descriptions of some of the ugliest and demeaning forms of human
abuse that have happened on this planet. Things that have taken
place in the most private of places -- in secrecy and alone. Then
the horror, pain and devastation of this abuse being carefully
concealed in the darkest of dark places by top group leadership --
very well understanding what they were hiding and denying.
I personally am losing the slightest capacity for understanding or
moral respect for ANYONE who continues to make the active
choice to be a willing and compliant participator in this
I have lost respect for folks actively
making the choice at least once each week to willingly and openly
participate and support this system of ongoing criminal
behaviour and ongoing shame for Christianity.
Especially serious for those who confess
awareness to the ugly issues at hand – and still chose to be part of
it -- Confirming a membership that gives the organization the needed
strength to continue.
Excuses abound .. but all are shallow!!